Good morning! Sorry I did not get the pictures of the surprise baby chicks posted sooner. We got two White Leghorns and one Red Sex Link. We got our brooder, which is an old metal cattle trough with the bottom cut out and sanded smooth, and we washed out the baby chick waterer and got a small lid for their food. Next we were going to get our heat lamp but we discovered it was missing! So we all went on a scavenger hunt for our missing heat lamp. Talk about a small crisis … we had less than 30 minutes to go pick up the chicks but couldn’t find the heat lamp. Dad won the scavenger hunt, finding the heat lamp at the barn and even an extra one. We used red lights for the heat lamp because they are supposed to be easier for the baby chicks to rest under. I have named one of the Leghorns April. We are still thinking about names for the other two. I’ll keep you posted on the naming them. Ms. Pamela, if you are reading this, thank you!
Here are some pictures of our surprise baby chicks….
See ya’ soon!