Isn’t this just the cutest picture? That baby looks like she is saying “peek-a-boo”! It’s not one of our chickens, I just saw it on Facebook and had to share it! We are all getting so excited about our baby chicks arriving in a couple of weeks! My middle son, Gage will be opening the business centered around the chickens. He will sell chicken eggs to eat and to hatch and sell baby chicks to raise. If you haven’t read Pickin’ Chickens, that article explained in more detail why the boys each will have businesses in middle school. For my Montessori friends, think practical life on steroids! He will be responsible for cleaning out the coop and gathering the eggs, as well as feeding and watering them. We all share chores in our house so he will have help, but it is his responsibility to ensure that all of this is taken care of daily. This is another Montessori concept that is taking on a more mature dynamic. He will also be creating and keeping the books for his business, so Gage will be learning all about accounting and economics, via running his own business instead of some esoteric, ambiguous case studies in a textbook that he cannot relate to.
Gage will be the author for all the chicken posts on our blog once the chicks arrive (I will change the comments to be moderated once he starts posting). He will be photographing the chicks to document their growth and progress. (Photography is one of those creative outlets that he is exploring so he won’t end up being an art vacuum like me! Thanks to his photography teacher Lori Lee, he will probably end up taking far better pictures than I do!) So, he is learning how to market his business and write articles that will be not only informative, but also entertaining.
Gage is in the process of developing a name for his business now but he could use some help! If you think of a great name for his business, he would love to hear it! To give you some insight into Gage in order to help with the name suggestions: He has a huge heart and an intense love for animals (this is why he has the animal biz). He is our middle-son, so he is the peace-maker. He is calm, loving and genuine. He loves to kid around and is a bit of a prankster. He loves legos, star-wars and the beach. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment below. We look forward to reading your suggestions!
Until next time…
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Trish Corlew
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I think you need a Chicken Coop Webcam.
I think I do too… are you offering to sponsor it? Webcam brought to you by 🙂
LOL Not at this time! 😛