We all do it! After we present a lesson, especially an abstract one, we watch, wait, looking for that moment. The moment of recognition, of clarity, of understanding. That moment when we see the flash of enlightenment in their eyes! That moment… the AHA moment! THAT moment is why I homeschool!!! I cherish the Aha’s!
I have to assume that this moment is why there are teachers in the public schools! These moments are so addictive! As homeschooling families, these moments take on even more meaning to us. These moments are not only validation that our children ARE learning, it is confirmation that we CAN teach!
A-ha moments in our house usually accompany a literal physical change in our children’s demeanor where they show a small, shy grin of acknowledgement or sheer jubilation and high-fives of congratulations! Depending on which child experienced the A-ha moment, his personality and how big an A-ha it was… but, we usually see some visible evidence of the moment!
One of my biggest regrets is not cataloging, organizing, and preserving those moments from my perspective, a mom’s perspective. This is where journaling, scrapbooking, vlogging or blogging can become a dynamic piece of a homeschooling family. I know I have already heard … when will I have time. I can assure you, when our children are grown and gone, we will ask why didn’t we make the time to record these blessings? I already feel that way now even with my children still at home… I mourn the lost opportunities of documenting their earlier years. So, I’d like to encourage you to investigate what works best for your lifestyle to document your own children’s AHA moments and start NOW! I have been looking around to see if there is an A-ha Journal and haven’t found anything that inspired me… So, In an effort to help all of us get better at this, I’d like to ask if you are a parent that has already started capturing the A-ha moments, please share with us! How do you capture these beautiful moments? Do you have a blog, a scrapbook, a portfolio, what? I am really looking forward to seeing what everyone is doing!!!!