Good Morning! Sorry I have not posted in a while. I am finishing up my Apologia General Science class, and I’ve been getting a little lazy this summer :P. Anyway, I’m trying to get back to blogging. But I have been working with the chicks, I just haven’t been writing about it! Last Thursday we decided that it was time for the Great Chicken Migration, to move all 30 “babies” to our second chicken pen where the teenage chicks have been.
The first two chicks were chosen: Nipper (a barred rock cochin bantam) and Foghorn (a white frizzle) were placed in the coop. Nipper just walked out through the chicken door (see picture above), but Foghorn just looked out the door and there is where the problems started. As we (Mom and my brothers) continued placing the chicks in the coop, they just piled up in there at the chicken door. We got one more chick to go out, Cuddles, a deep black Barred Rock Cochin Bantam girl… but all the rest just hung around inside the coop and at the door. Cuddles just trotted around the pen and ate some food and drank water. So we started taking them out of the coop, dipping their beaks in the new water source and showing them the food. We got about half out when we started noticing the second problem.
The teenage chicks were bullying the “babies”. That was not going to work, so we moved the teenagers into the grown chickens’ pen where they are enjoying their new jungle. That night we had to corral half of the chicks back in the coop. Why only half? Because half of the chicks never even left the coop to begin with that day. The chicks had no experience being put up at night, so we had to help them all learn to go in at night and come out during the day. We had to pull two out of the little dog house we have in their pen. I guess they were using it for shade or because it was not as crowded at the door to get in! When we went out in the morning to let the chicks out, we found we had left one out all night long. But thank God it was okay!!!!
Now the chicks know the routine, they know where the food and water live, when to come out in the morning, when to put themselves up at night and how to get in the rafters! They have not experienced any weather other than normal sunny days and moonlit nights so it will be a new experience when it rains! And tonight may be the night… the forecast shows rain and a storm. They did get to see the International Space Station fly over and they got to see the Super Moon too!!!
Well… I will keep you updated and I will keep posting pictures!!! See Ya Soon!
very nice looking chickend
Thank you Mr Bill!
Your chickens look great! It is impressive to see all the work you have been doing. I look forward to learning more about your farm and will add your button to my website. Please feel free to take a look at my own blog, Heart of Home: Finding my Homestead and I hope you enjoy.
-A.N King