Hello, this is the 8th linkup post! Today’s topic is “A new Invention” I have to think of a new invention, this is going to be fun!

I would make a teleporter without any byproducts that could hurt or kill someone. It wouldn’t hurt the environment around it and would be safe for anything or anyone. It would be a teleporter that would be big enough for four people to stand on it and not be crowded. There would be one teleporter per city or town. The teleporter would send a signal to the destination and then it would save the DNA of the people or things on the teleporter pad and send them over. Why does it save the DNA, you ask? Well it would be a safety measure so it can reintegrate the people or things to the other teleporter. Although it would have safety measures, there would most likely still be risks but I doubt it would be as much of a risk as driving or flying.
Another invention I would love to create is a flying car. If you needed to get somewhere in the city and not in the other town or state or even continent the flying car would be the easiest thing. These wouldn’t just be the kind of toy car you find at Wal-mart for five dollars, but they would have to be a price that is reasonable so that everyone could have them. These cars would be safe for anyone.
There would be two versions of the flying cars: the less expensive car which would have keys just like normal cars and then the other kind of car which is more expensive where it would scan something that only you would have … like a fingerprint. It would fly by sucking air in and pushing it out at a greater speed! No bad byproducts! How you park would be the coolest part. There would be a lever that you can slowly pull that will close the valves that air comes in through. Then the car would slowly fly down and softly land.
Hope you enjoyed my two inventions and I think that one day maybe they will be made a reality.