Welcome to our Middle and High School LinkUp #11 for tweens, teens and their Moms! We are so excited to have a linkup for our children to have a creative writing outlet and for us moms to have a place to share middle school and high school homeschool tips and techniques. The students are provided a creative writing prompt. They write their article on their own blog on their mom’s blog and then link their articles below.
You can link up at any of the following co-host’s sites:
Amy at Homeschool Encouragement
Clara at Clara’s Blue Moon (teen co-host)
DaLynn at Holy Splendor
Jennifer at Royal Little Lambs
Laura at Day by Day in Our World
Trish at Live and Learn Farm
Vicki at 7 Sisters Homeschool
Wendy at Homeschooling Blessings

If you are interested in joining us, linkup your article below. If you want to co-host, email me and let me know. Our focus for the co-hosting is for only moms of the teens, or the teens themselves to co-host.
guidelines for the linkup:
- The link-up will be open Monday through Saturday evening.
- Please link directly to the url of your post (permalink).
- Please check back and visit at least one of student’s submissions and leave a comment for them. Our job is to encourage writing, their Mom (or Dad) will take care of the critique
- If you don’t mind, please place the button and code in your blog post so others can find out about the linkup also!
- That’s it!
and now it’s time for the link up!
For this week’s theme, let’s choose to write from one of these topics:
Write a story that begins with one of the following sentences…
- They used to tell me that patience is a virtue.
- I wasn’t always afraid of the dark.
- She couldn’t hear him over the sound of crashing ocean waves.
- He spent hours waiting for the call, but it never came.
- The moon was bigger than usual against the daylight.
- You think you know someone, and then they leave you stranded in a desert with nothing to drink.
- He had two thoughts before jumping out of the plane.
- The street was slick with oil.
- He ran his first two red lights that night.
- After everything that happened that day, it was a jammed jacket zipper that finally sent her over the edge.
- They heard his ringtone coming from inside the trunk.
- Someone must have set me up – I was in the house all day.
- Tommy had never learned how to change a tire, but knew he had better learn now if they wanted to escape.
- She knew every inch of the town, and yet she’d never seen that house in her entire life.
I found these prompts at Udemy. If none of these are of interest, feel free to choose your own.