Welcome to our Middle and High School LinkUp #19 for tweens, teens and their Moms! I have a fun announcement! Gage is now a published writer. He was featured in Chickens Magazine by Hobby Farms this month. They have a section for reader submitted articles about how they got involved raising chickens. Gage’s article is 4 pages and have three photographs (including one of him). If you are not aware, Gage has a chicken business “Deluxe Clucks” and he shared about how he got started in that business. He is now selling about 5 dozen eggs per week and we have 25 new baby chicks coming in next week. So, be watching the blog! I feel certain Gage will start another brooder cam! This is what we are trying to encourage for our children. To feel comfortable writing! You can link up at any of the following co-host’s sites:
Amy at Homeschool Encouragement
Clara at Clara’s Blue Moon (teen co-host)
DaLynn at Holy Splendor
Jennifer at Royal Little Lambs
Laura at Day by Day in Our World
Trish at Live and Learn Farm
Vicki at 7 Sisters Homeschool
Wendy at Homeschooling Blessings

If you are interested in joining us, linkup your article below. If you want to co-host, email me and let me know. Our focus for the co-hosting is for only moms of the teens, or the teens themselves to co-host.
guidelines for the linkup:
- The link-up will be open Monday through Saturday evening.
- Please link directly to the url of your post (permalink).
- Please check back and visit at least one of student’s submissions and leave a comment for them. Our job is to encourage writing, their Mom (or Dad) will take care of the critique
- If you don’t mind, please place the button and code in your blog post so others can find out about the linkup also!
- That’s it!
and now it’s time for the link up!
Well, I was contacted by many of our students’ moms and have been informed that their children love these link ups (and mine do too)… so we are not going to stop. We may take some breaks this summer because we are getting our house ready to sell… but as long as our children love writing, I am NOT crazy enough to stop the link up! And I LOVE reading their articles and seeing their growth… so onward and upward, right!??! We will continue with the author’s choice for the rest of this month. So, our children will be sharing their own stories and inspiration. I look forward to reading fiction or non-fiction… whatever you guys decide to write is fine!!
Let's discuss.... comment and share your thoughts!