Welcome to our Middle and High School LinkUp #23 for tweens, teens and their Moms! We are going to be doing these differently during the summer. Instead of these linkups renewing every week, we will leave it up for a month. So this is July’s Linkup. This linkup is for our children to have a creative writing outlet and for us moms to have a place to share middle school and high school homeschool tips and techniques. For the summer months, the students will not be provided a creative writing prompt. Thank you all for being a part of it!
You can link up at any of the following co-host’s sites:
Amy at Homeschool Encouragement
Clara at Clara’s Blue Moon (teen co-host)
DaLynn at Holy Splendor
Jennifer at Royal Little Lambs
Laura at Day by Day in Our World
Trish at Live and Learn Farm
Vicki at 7 Sisters Homeschool
Wendy at Homeschooling Blessings

If you are interested in joining us, linkup your article below. If you want to co-host, email me and let me know. Our focus for the co-hosting is for only moms of the teens, or the teens themselves to co-host.
guidelines for the linkup:
- The link-up will be open the entire month of June.
- Please link directly to the url of your post (permalink).
- Please check back and visit at least one of student’s submissions and leave a comment for them. Our job is to encourage writing, their Mom (or Dad) will take care of the critique
- If you don’t mind, please place the button and code in your blog post so others can find out about the linkup also!
- That’s it!
and now it’s time for the link up!
I look forward to reading fiction or non-fiction… whatever you guys decide to write is fine!!
Let's discuss.... comment and share your thoughts!