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With three boys who are voracious readers, we have the ultimate challenge of finding wholesome books that they want to read. One set of books that we found and both the boys and I love are G.A. Henty books. Even though his books are fiction, they are historical fiction and provide a great vision of the era he was writing about. His books are historically accurate and are full of noble character traits… traits we want to instill in our boys such as: honesty, chivalry, integrity, courage, loyalty, honor, hard work, charity, justice, and the list goes on and on. Henty was masterful at weaving action and adventure throughout his novels! Putting the Henty Books in chronological order has helped me organize his books into our schedule to be more useful in our homeschool.
Here is a brief bio of GA Henty from Wikipedia:
George Alfred Henty, was a prolific English novelist and a special correspondent. He is best known for his historical adventure stories that were popular in the late 19th century. His children’s novels typically revolved around a boy or young man living in troubled times. These ranged from the Punic War to more recent conflicts such as the Napoleonic Wars or the American Civil War. Henty’s heroes – which occasionally included young ladies – are uniformly intelligent, courageous, honest and resourceful with plenty of ‘pluck’ yet are also modest. These virtues have made Henty’s novels popular today among many Christians and homeschoolers.
Reasons you might want to include Henty as part of your children’s reading goes directly to character! Quote from the Henty site:
G. A. Henty lived during a time in which honesty, integrity, hard work, courage, diligence, perseverance, personal honor and a strong Christian faith were greatly valued. This was especially true of members of the British armed forces, of which Henty was a part. As a consequence, Henty’s heroes are models of these virtues of personal character – and always owe their successes to these characteristics. The young reader identifies with Henty’s heroes while he is vicariously reliving their experiences as he reads. These heroes become, for the duration of the story, his peers and examples – and, children learn, almost entirely, by example. American and British educators a century ago were as much concerned in building good character in their students as they were in imparting to them academic knowledge. This accounts for the great popularity of Henty’s works during that golden period of education.
My oldest son, Chase, has started reviewing the books he has read and the first Henty book was Cat of Bubastes. You can read his review here. Read for yourself what a teen thinks of the Henty books! We are using the Henty books as an immersion in our historical studies… to better understand the culture and time. I hope this list will be beneficial to you and your homeschool as well!! I will be creating many lists over the course of our homeschooling years to help you find books that instill honor and character in our boy’s reading experiences.
Bk# | Title | Subject | Location | ~Year |
1. | Those Other Animals | Animals | n/a | n/a |
2. | The Cat of Bubastes | Ancient Egypt; Egyptian religion | Egypt | 1250 BC |
3. | The Young Carthaginian | Hannibal’s Campaigns, Punic wars | North Africa | 220 BC |
4. | Beric the Briton | Roman Invasion, Gladiators, Burning of Rome, Nero | Great Britain | 61 |
5. | For the Temple | Fall of Jerusalem, 1st Century Jewish Revolt, Vespasian, Josephus and Titus | Palestine | 70 |
6. | The Dragon and the Raven | The Days of King Alfred | Great Britain | 870 |
7. | Wulf the Saxon | Norman Conquest, Viking invaders, Battle of Hastings | Great Britain | 1066 |
8. | Winning His Spurs |
The Crusades, Holy Wars, Holy Land, the Saxons, the Normans | Palestine | 1190 |
9. | In Freedom’s Cause | Wallace and Bruce, Scots | Scotland | 1314 |
10. | St. George for England | Crecy & Poitiers, English and French | France | 1340 |
11. | The Lion of St. Mark | War of Venice and Genoa | Italy | 1380 |
12. | A March on London | Wat Tyler’s Insurrection | England | 1381 |
13. | Both Sides the Border | Glendower & Hotspur | Great Britain | 1400 |
14. | At Agincourt | Hundred Year War, Henry V, French, English | France | 1415 |
15. | A Knight of the White Cross | Siege of Rhodes, War of the Roses, Moorish corsair pirates, Moslems | Greece | 1480 |
16. | By Pike and Dyke | Spanish-Dutch War, Spanish Inquisition | Holland, etc. | 1579 |
17. | St. Bartholomew’s Eve | Huguenot Wars, Protestants, Catholics | France | 1580 |
18. | Under Drake’s Flag | Circumnavigating the Globe, Search for North West Passage, High Seas | Worldwide | 1580 |
19. | By England’s Aid | Fall of Spanish Armada, Freeing of the Netherlands, Corsairs | Holland | 1588 |
20. | By Right of Conquest | Conquest of Mexico, Cortez, Aztecs | Mexico | 1595 |
21. | The Lion of the North | Thirty Year War, Sweden, Scotland, Gustav II Adolf | Germany | 1630 |
22. | Won by the Sword | Thirty Year War, Richelieu, France | Europe | 1640 |
23. | Friends Though Divided | England’s Civil War, the Cavaliers, the Roundheads, Charles II | England | 1650 |
24. | When London Burned | Anglo-Dutch Wars, Great Plague, the Great Fire | Great Britain | 1666 |
25. | John Hawke’s Fortune | Monmouth Rebellion, Duke of Monmouth, Battle of Sedgemoor | Great Britain | 1685 |
26. | Orange and Green | Battle of Boyne | Ireland | 1690 |
27. | A Jacobite Exile | Swedish-Russian War, King Charles the XII of Sweden, Jacobite: a political movement dedicated to restoring the Stuart kings to the throne of England and Scotland | Europe | 1695 |
28. | The Cornet of Horse | War of Spanish Succession, Holland, Hapsburg, Hanover and Prussia against the French and Spanish | Belgium | 1703 |
29. | The Bravest of the Brave | War of Spanish Succession, Spain and France, and the British and her allies, Earl Charles Mordaunt III of Peterborough | Spain | 1705 |
30. | In the Irish Brigade | War of Spanish Succession, King Louis XVI of France, War in Flanders and Spain | France | 1710 |
31. | Bonnie Prince Charlie | Fontenoy and Battle of Culloden | Europe | 1745 |
32. | With Wolfe in Canada | Fall of Quebec, Battle of Britain and France for supremacy in the North American continent. | Canada | 1759 |
33. | True to the Old Flag | American Revolution written from a British point of view | US | 1760 |
34. | With Frederick the Great | Seven Years War, Battles of Rossbach, Leuthen, Prague, Zorndorf, Hochkirch, and Torgan | Prussia | 1760 |
35. | Held Fast for England | Siege of Gibraltar, Tangiers, Gibraltar and the Spanish Coast, the Straights | Gibraltar | 1780 |
36. | Colonel Thorndyke’s Secret or The Brahmin ‘s Treasure | English Society / Adventure, Pre-industrialization | England | 1783 |
37. | With Clive in India | Battle of Plassey, English influence at the point of extinction in India | India | 1786 |
38. | In the Reign of Terror | French Revolution, French marquis | France | 1793 |
39. | By Conduct and Courage | Napoleonic Wars | Europe | 1795 |
40. | No Surrender! | French Revolution, The revolt of La Vendde | France | 1795 |
41. | A Roving Commission | Great Revolt in Hayti, Story of the Sea | West Indies | 1795 |
42. | The Tiger of Mysore | Mysore War, India | India | 1795 |
43. | At Aboukir and Acre | Napoleonic Wars, Alexandria, Napoleon’s Invasion of Egypt | Egypt | 1798 |
44. | At the Point of the Bayonet | Mahratta War, India, British | India | 1800 |
45. | With Moore at Corunna | Peninsular War, Napoleon, Britain | Europe | 1808 |
46. | A Final Reckoning | Bush Life in Australia | Australia | 1810 |
47. | The Plague Ship | Adventure on the Ocean, Malay Pirates | The Ocean | 1810 |
48. | Under Wellington’s Command | Peninsular War, NOTE: Really a sequel to “With Moore at Corunna”, “Minho” Portuguese, | Europe | 1810 |
49. | The Young Buglers | Peninsular War | Spain | 1810 |
50. | Through the Fray | Luddite Riots | England | 1811 |
51. | Through Russian Snows | Napoleonic Wars | Russia | 1812 |
52. | One of the 28th | Battle of Waterloo | Europe | 1815 |
53. | With Cochrane the Dauntless | South American Revolution | S. America | 1820 |
54. | On the Irrawaddy | First Burmese War | Burma | 1824 |
55. | In Greek Waters | Greek Independence | Greece | 1825 |
56. | In the Hands of the Cave Dwellers | Southwestern Adventure, Mexican, American | US | 1833 |
57. | With the British Legion | Carlist Wars | Spain | 1835 |
58. | Queen Victoria | Biography (complete) | Great Britain | 1837 |
59. | The Sovereign Reader | Biography (incomplete) | Great Britain | 1837 |
60. | The Curse of Carne’s Hold | Kaffir War | South Africa | 1840 |
61. | To Herat and Cabul | First Afghan War | Middle East | 1840 |
62. | The Treasure of the Incas | Adventure Very Indiana Jones-ish | Peru | 1844 |
63. | The Lost Heir | Adventure, lip reading, deaf, death, | India | 1846 |
64. | All But Lost Volume I | British Society | Great Britain | 1848 |
65. | All But Lost Volume II | British Society | Great Britain | 1850 |
66. | Captain Bayley’s Heir | California Gold Fields | US | 1850 |
67. | Through the Sikh War | Conquest of Punjab | India | 1850 |
68. | All But Lost Volume III | British Society | Great Britain | 1851 |
69. | Out On the Pampas | Mexican-American War | S. America | 1851 |
70. | Redskin and Cow-Boy | Western Adventure | US | 1851 |
71. | Gabriel Allen, M.P. | Adventure | England | 1854 |
72. | Jack Archer | Crimean War | Russia | 1854 |
73. | Facing Death | Coal Mines | Great Britain | 1855 |
74. | In Times of Peril | Indian Mutiny | India | 1856 |
75. | The Queen’s Cup | Yachting Adventure | England | 1856 |
76. | Rujub, the Juggler |
Indian Mutiny | India | 1856 |
77. | A Search for a Secret | Adventure, Search for a Will | England | 1856 |
78. | In the Heart of the Rockies | Western Life | US | 1860 |
79. | With Lee in Virginia | American Civil War | US | 1860 |
80. | A Hidden Foe | Adventure, Proving Inheritance | England | 1862 |
81. | Out with Garibaldi | Liberation of Italy | Italy | 1865 |
82. | The March to Magdala | Abyssinian Campaign | Ethiopia | 1867 |
83. | Dorothy’s Double | Franco-Prussian War | Great Britain | 1870 |
84. | Maori and Settler | Second Maori Rebellion | New Zealand | 1870 |
85. | Sturdy and Strong | English Society / Classes | England | 1870 |
86. | A Woman of the Commune |
Franco-Prussian War | France | 1870 |
87. | The Young Franc-Tireurs | Franco-Prussian War | France | 1870 |
88. | By Sheer Pluck | Ashanti War | Africa | 1873 |
89. | The March to Coomassie | Ashanti War | Africa | 1873 |
90. | For Name and Fame | Second Afghan War | Middle East | 1879 |
91. | Condemned as a Nihilist | Escape from Siberia | Europe | 1880 |
92. | The Young Colonists | Zulu and Boer War | South Africa | 1880 |
93. | The Young Midshipman | Bombardment of Alexandria | Egypt | 1882 |
94. | The Dash for Khartoum | Nile Expedition | Sudan | 1885 |
95. | Through Three Campaigns | Tirah, Chitral, Ashanti | India/Africa | 1896 |
96. | With Kitchener in the Soudan | Battle of Atbara and Omdurman | Sudan | 1898 |
97. | With Buller in Natal | Breaking out of the Second Boer War | South Africa | 1899 |
98. | With Roberts to Pretoria | South African War | South Africa | 1900 |
99. | With the Allies to Pekin | Boxer Rebellion | China | 1900 |
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This is very helpful thank you! We are reading the cat of bubastes out loud for our history. My boys are 6, 4, and 1 so I’m glad we found these early in life. I’m not sure about all of them but we got our current book on our kindle for free through public domain. Another reason to love them!
I know and every single opportunity to save money is so appreciated!! ~Trish
This is a wonderful resource to add to our homeschool! Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving some encouragement 🙂 I hope it is a blessing for your family! ~Trish
Thank you!!! This will be so helpful since I am not familiar with all of his books, now I can just look at the time period we are studying and find the appropriate book.
Thanks AdenaF for stopping by! I so appreciate the encouragement! Sometimes it feels like you write and it blows away in the wind … so comments are so appreciated! ~Trish
Can I just say a huge THANK YOU for this!!! We love the Henty books, use them almost every week for our history literature with my oldest. He is not an avid reader, but does enjoy Henty’s writing style. EXCELLENT resource!!
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate you stopping by and I am thrilled to hear that it will benefit your homeschool and son! That is such a blessing to hear! I see you joined our site too. I look forward to getting to know you! ~Trish
I just found your site after a Google search regarding G.A. Henty. You have a great list, but need to correct one thing: The Dragon and the Raven is about the Viking Invasion, not Wulf The Saxon. And btw, I am in rural middle Tennessee. 🙂 We just graduated our oldest from homeschool (K-12!), a son who is an avid Henty reader and now planning to study history.
Thanks for this list! My 12 y/o has read all of them, but not in chronological order. He is doing that for his British History class this year. I printed out your list and he is writing critiques as he goes. What a great resource!
All the Best,
Hilary at Wholesome Reads
Thank you so much for putting this list together ! I am eager to dig in
We are in the middle of For the Temple by GA Henty and we are loving it! Thank you for this list, exactly what I was looking for!
I’ve been following this list as we read through one by one, and I’ve gotta say that St. Bartholomew’s Eve really ought to come before By Pike and Dyke. In case anyone cares and us also reading chronologically. 🙂