Hi, I’m Gage, I am in 5th grade, homeschooled, and 11 years old. I am the owner of six chickens, about to be 36. I am going to be blogging about my chicken business on Live and Learn Farm. My business name is going to be Deluxe Clucks and the business will be to sell eggs for eating, eggs for incubating, and sell chicks.
I am counting down the days till our chicks we bought are shipped out. It is a very nerve racking thing to order live animals through the mail, especially for the first time. We have ordered 30 chicks from Welp Hatchery. The chicks should be alright coming in the mail. They will be shipped Priority Mail which will only take two days. They will not be hungry during their shipment because when a chick hatches it has a sack of food on its belly called the yolk and it will sustain them for a few days. The chicks we ordered are five Barred Cochin Bantams, five Blue Cochin Bantams, 10 Red Frizzle Cochin Bantams and 10 White Frizzle Cochin Bantams. The white and red frizzles have a mutation. It does not cause them any trouble or dysfunction it’s just that their feathers curl out, not in.
Chicks are not hard to keep. All they require is a brooder (a small area to keep them in until they are mature enough to be outside in the chicken pen), a heat source, food and water and, just recently, I found out chicks need a shady place to stay if they get hot. And protection… we have had a problem with predators in the past. We once had about 25 Rhode Island Reds, now we are down to six, (5 hens and 1 rooster). The reason we only have 6 hens now is a coyote problem.
Right now we are preparing for their arrival. We are going to use a large box as their brooder, and as they grow we shall add more boxes. Chicks and chickens are very fun to keep and I enjoy being able to care for them. The other thing we will be using are… a heat lamp, food and waterers and puppy training pads (for flooring) I am looking forward to blogging about my experiences with my chicks and chickens.
And just today we got a surprise blessing! A friend went to Tractor Supply and was going to buy two chicks but the minimum was six. So she asked us if we want three or four chicks and we said yes! I have been so impatient that it was still a week till the chicks would even be mailed, so this is an answer to my prayer. I’ll post pictures soon!
See ya’ soon!