Good afternoon! Today I’d like you to meet Nipper and Cuddles. They are some of my Barred Rock Cochin Bantams. Nipper is one of the most friendly chickens I have, other than… well he IS the most friendly chicken we have! He is a Big cockerel (a young rooster) compared to the other cockerels in his pin, and he has almost mastered his crow! He is quite young to have a crow that is as good as his is. Nipper is very high on my ladies’ list of their favorite cockerels, probably 2nd, but at least 3rd. He is very protective of the ladies too! When I went out to get some pictures of him, he ran up to the door to greet me and see what was going on. Sometimes he and Rocky have crowing contests to see who is Boss. Rocky is our Rhode Island Red Rooster in the neighboring pen. But you can never tell who wins because they never get tired. His favorite lady is Cuddles, the deep black Barred Rock Cochin Bantam. I can regularly see him and her resting under their favorite maple sapling clucking to each other softly.
Nipper will sometimes play hide ‘n seek with the other chickens and me. He likes to act like the boss around the ladies and will walk around kinda’ like he is patrolling the area. Sometimes he will leave bread scraps for the others and just eat the normal food. Other times he will bring some scraps to the ladies. When it is time to put themselves up in the evening, he starts crowing saying BED TIME!!! And in the morning he does the opposite, MORNING TIME!!! Nipper is my second favorite cockerel we have, and my favorite is… well that is another post.
See ya soon!
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I must say, Nipper is a fine looking Rooster. Bosses around the ladies, well…that is just what Roosters do. What he does not know is that the ladies let him think he is the boss. I see a hint of a smile on Cuddles beak, indicating she knows she is really in control by letting Nipper think he is in control.
Thank you Miss Kathy!!! And thanks for the compliment on Nipper too!
Well done, Gage. I enjoy reading about your chickens.
Thank you Miss Pamela!