Seeing through walls: what a useful skill. There are a million useful things that could come from this trait, from being able to look at your presents before you opened them to security. So the question becomes, what would you do if you had all seeing eyes and would you use it for good or bad? This whole concept of seeing through walls is a little hard to think about, and there are a ton of ways you could add a twist to the plot. For instance, what if you didn’t want to see through walls, maybe you wanted to keep something a surprise, how would you do that? Those are the types of questions that intrigue me.
So the first question I would ask myself would be something along the lines of “Would I use this for good and practical use or for mischievous and bad use?” It seems to me that mischievous use, such as looking at my gifts early, would ruin the surprise. It seems the same can be said for all uses of that sort. So I would probably use it for something practical and useful. Maybe I could become a plumber, I could easily find any leaks in pipes and patch them without much trouble. Or, maybe I could become an architect, I could see flaws in designs and fix them better than your average person.
Actually, I would probably become a form of security or join an intelligence gathering agency, such as the FBI or CIA. If I became bank security, for example, I could keep an eye out for suspicious characters, robbers, and more. I would most certainly become employee of the month in no time. If I joined an intelligence agency, I could help stop many of the various crimes that could harm people and property.
This special ability could cause problems as well. Maybe I don’t want to see through walls all of the time, maybe I don’t want to spoil a surprise for myself or maybe I would get tired of it and want to take a break. While thinking this over, I came up with a simple design that could allow me to see normally, sometimes. Simply get a pair of decent looking shades, pop out the lens, and replace them with solid, non-transparent lenses. I would see through the new lens, but since that was acting as a wall, an ordinary wall would not appear transparent. Yes, this whole design is based upon the principle that I can see through only one wall at a time. If that was not the case, I don’t know if it would be possible to see normally.
I would probably want to live somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere with nice scenery. It would be creepy seeing people outside of my house, even if they couldn’t see me. Probably some deserted island or long forgotten plain where no one would disturb me. There is one problem with this, and that would be food and supplies. If you live on a deserted island, I’m pretty sure you won’t find a Wal-Mart or Dollar General down the road. I’m not sure how I would solve this problem, other than get a taste for fish, and eat fish for the rest of my life.
These are just a few of the many possibilities that I could do if I had the ability to see through walls. Who knows, maybe one day in the future this will become possible. Maybe we all could actually have all seeing eyes. I know it sure would make life easier in a lot of areas!
Awesome post! I loved it!
I wish I had your imagination! I really liked your post. I think it would be so cool to work for the government as a spy or something, wouldn’t it?
I just found out about this linkup. It’s really cool. I linked up to this one and I will probably link up to every other one too. I wish I found out sooner so I could have done the one about being stuck in Wal-Mart all night. That would have been fun to write. 🙂
Alyssa, Let me know when you are ready to post on the Wal-mart topic, and I’ll open it up for you 🙂 ~Trish
Love all the positive uses you thought of for this power. And I’m pretty sure that “middle of nowhere” is around the corner from us.